Queue Properties Window

Use this window to set the initial values of the queue folder printing settings. The settings in this window are applied to all jobs unless the settings are changed in the Job Settings window.

Clicking the buttons on the left side of the window displays the associated settings on the right side. Settings can be configured for each folder separately. For example, the print quality can be different for each folder and the settings can be different for the RIP server and client. Also, if you want to process jobs automatically, be sure to complete all the settings in the Queue Properties window.
  1. You can use this area to save the details set in the Queue Properties window as a printing settings file and to load saved printing settings files.
  2. This area is used to configure various printing settings.

Queue Properties window opening method

You can use one of the following methods to open the Queue Properties window.

  • Click Edit - Input Folder Name.
  • Click for the queue folder that you want to use.

Table 1. List of printing setting buttons
Button Name Overview

Configures the settings related to the printing area and job layout.


Configures the job print quality and color management settings.

Color adjustment

Adjusts the level and tone of each color.

File format

Configures the necessary settings to match the file format and color settings of the data to print.


Sets the details when marks and job information are added to and printed with the job.

Printer control

Sets the printer control method during printing.

Cutting control

Sets the printer control method during cutting.

Job management

Configures settings related to the processing of jobs registered to the job list.

Clip and tile

Configures the settings for tiling and overlaps.

Variable printing

Configures settings for replacing portions of the image to create output with unique images or text per copy.

Spot color

Configures the spot color printing settings.