screwChannel_48Implant Interface

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At least one screw channel needs to be defined to machine implant-supported part types.  



Select screw channel via drop-down list, arrow keys, or using the Select_24 button.

If there is no screw channel, you must define it manually.

Use add_24 to detect new screw channel.
To delete a screw channel, select it with the mouse, drop-down list, or arrow keys and press Delete on the keyboard.


CAD information

Information from metadata

Min/Max diameter

Smallest and largest diameter of the selected screw channel


Detected diameter of the selected screw channel


Nominal diameter; can be changed

Note: The original ratio between the smallest and largest diameter cannot be reduced!

Angled screw channel

Screw channels with different directions. Angle between the two screw channel axes.

Without cavity side cylinder

When activated, the portion of an angled screw channel parallel to the implant axis is deactivated or ignored during machining.  


Categorization of a screw channel. In the template different categories can be set up to be machined differently.



Manually define the screw channel

The screw channel should be defined from the point of view of the cavity.

The screw channel is automatically closed in all machining operations that do not explicitly concern the area of the screw channel itself. Faulty STL patches around the screw channel are removed automatically.

Screw channel identification also works with parts for which the channels are not fully modeled or even closed.

prepare_detect implant interfaces


Mesh Roughness    Slider for setting the mesh fineness (quality) of the present part data (STL data).

Angled screw channel

Without cavity side cylinder; if the portion of an angled screw channel that is on the cavity side or  parallel to the implant axis is not to be taken into account



screwchannel detection

The screw channel is defined using 3 points, which you should place by clicking the trailing edge of the screw channel.
If in doubt, define the dots inside the wall rather than outside.  

If angled screw channels need to be defined manually, please refer to the quick guide on how to Detect angled screw channels manually.  


Implant interfaces


Implant interface geometries can be divided into separate areas for machining.
A machining area is defined by a plane and its height.
If you categorize the planes, you can individually machine the different areas.


To simplify the process and ensure quality, it is advisable to work with predefined replacement geometries (external).



Type of geometry determination

Prepare_geo exter9.4n


Specify machining areas for the interface geometry. Planes and categories are defined manually. The explicit definition of machining areas at implant interfaces is described in detail in the Defining Machining Areas at the Implant Interface section.


Definition of the ranges and categories of the  interface geometry of the currently selected screw channel



Select plane via drop-down list or arrow keys



Inner geometry



Outer geometry

XY allowance

Lateral positive (positive value) or minus (negative value) allowance of the currently selected plane


Categorization of the currently selected plane


Definition of corners for clearance in internal geometries. The definition of corners on interior geometries is described in more detail in the Defining Corners for Inner Geometries section.



Display and selection of corners


Thread selection. The process of adding threads to screw channels is described in more detail in the Defining Corners for Inner Geometries section.



Display and selection of the thread type

Offset thread begin

Displacement of the beginning of the thread.

Offset thread end

Displacement of the end of the thread.

Prepare_geo extern


Load the interface geometry from a file. This allows you to open a model of an interface geometry (*.hdpartz) for which screw channels, planes, corners and/or threads have already been defined.
If metadata exist and the corresponding *.hdpartz libraries are referenced, these are loaded automatically.



Open external interface geometry.



Delete external interface geometry.



Preview window for the external interface geometry.

Global XY allowance

Global lateral allowance for all planes defined at the interface geometry.




Prepare_geo external automatic

Positioning external interface geometries (*.hdpartz)



Align external interface geometry to model with automated functions.


Move part to reference surface

Move external interface geometry in screw channel direction exactly to one plane of the model. Highlight planes one after the other with a mouse click.


Rotate part to selected point

Use the mouse to click a point on the interface geometry and on the model to be aligned with one another by rotating the interface geometry.


Rotate part to reference surface

Use the mouse to click a point on the interface geometry and a surface on the model to be aligned with one another by rotating the interface geometry.



Shifts are reset to restore the initial position.

Prepare_geo external manual


Manually align and rotate external interface geometry to  implant interface geometry.



Move the part along the screw channel axis
using the set increment (offset) or 10 increments.



Rotate part about the screw channel axis at one increment (angle) or 10 increments.


10-fold increment

Activate multiple increment for translation or rotation.

Offset increment

0.01 to 10 mm

Increment in millimeters for displacement along the screw channel axis.

Angle increment

0.01 to 10°

Increment in degrees for rotation around the screw channel axis.