Cutting, Reducing, Breaking Connectors

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Once the actual machining has been completed, the connectors for which you configured a “Cut” in the “Set connectors” process step are cut or reduced.

Cuts can be set for no or all connectors, either completely or in part, see “Set connectors,” “Cut.”


Cut / Reduce connectors

Reduce or completely cut connectors from one or both sides.


3D freepath milling

The cut follows the outline (from the perspective of the machining direction).


3D arbitrary stock roughing

The cut follows the surface (from the perspective of the machining direction). The connector is cut from the part without residue.


If 3D roughing is used on any blank for connector machining, the fixture allowance must not extend to the connectors! In this case, the fixture allowance is not registered and a collision may occur!



Additional milling cut on the cavity side

Break connectors
