Machining after roughing on any side until the desired surface quality is obtained for the part and no rest machining tasks remain.
3D Z-Level finishing
3D complete finishing
3D equidistant finishing, suitable for front-side finishing of Blue Blocks
5X Z-level finishing
Radial 5X equidistant finishing with the option of radially retracting and omitting/skipping (clipping) the connector, e.g., for grinding jobs on the connector side of Blue Blocks.
Enter the side to be machined; corresponds to the viewing direction configured [Front view].
Machining depth
Parameters for the machining depth applied to the blank.
Max. of bounding box
Machining area based on “back” view of the blank (bounding box).
Min. of bounding box
Machining area based on “from back to front” view of the blank (bounding box).
Center of bounding box
Machining area based on “from back to center” view of the blank (bounding box).
Bottom of blank
Top of blank
Offset depth
Additional value for the machining depth. A larger value results in deeper machining.
Use/transform fixture boundary
When machining a side of the blank,
use milling boundaries for holders.
When machining the front side (from the perspective of the fixture).
Tilt strategy
The lead angle is calculated automatically.
Radial Z
Enter lead angle is entered manually.
1) Lead angle
Lead angle
Lead angle setting.
Desired tilt angle / max. angle of inclination
Tilt angle with respect to the Z axis.
1) Tilt angle
Max. avoidance angle A/B
Maximum angle for avoiding collisions with regard to the A/B-axis.
Center at connector position
Use this to obtain clean cutting paths around the connector.
The center of the connector is the pivot point for the toolpaths around the connector.
The center of the part is the pivot point for the toolpaths around the connector.
Invert infeed direction
Reverse the machining direction.
Close caps
You must select “Yes” if the “Special function coping-specific alignment” option has been configured for the part.
You also need to select “Yes” for the following finishing cycles of the cavity.