Targeted pre/fine finishing in the margin line area
3D equidistant finishing
5X boss finishing
Outer machining is automatically performed in synchronization when the job is set in such a way that, starting from the margin line, only the outer area is machined: [Inner offset] from the margin line is smaller than or equal to the stepover value. Machining starts at the margin line.
If this area is divided into two jobs – inwards from the margin line / outwards from the margin line – all machining is performed in synchronization.
Max. angle for red. feedrate
If you want an uninterrupted full feedrate, you should set this value to “0.” If you don’t, the feedrate is reduced during plunge movements.
Machining direction
To reduce the risk of chipping, especially during grinding, you can configure the machining direction.
Outside in / Top down
Inside out / Bottom up
Inner offset
Area (1) that is machined in the coping starting from the margin line.
Outer offset
Area (2) that is machined outside of the coping starting from the margin line.
1) Machining area inside the coping.
2) Machining area inside and outside of the coping.