Roughing on Cavity, Occlusal, or any Side

Anfang  Zurück  Weiter

Rough removal of material between the blank and part on the cavity side, occlusal side, or any side.





Enter the side to be machined; corresponds to the viewing direction configured [Front view].


Machining side

In terms of the view direction, the tool approaches the part from the back, i.e., it approaches the front of the part.




1) Viewing direction: Setting [Front view].

2) Tool: Seen from the viewing direction, the machining area is at the “back” of the blank.


Machining depth

Parameters for the machining depth applied to the blank.

Max. of bounding box

Machining area based on “back” view of the blank (bounding box).
Machining from the beginning of the blank to the beginning of the part.


Max. of bounding box (with additional offset)


Min. of bounding box

Machining area based on “from back to front” view of the blank (bounding box). Machining from the beginning of the blank to the end of the part.


Min. of bounding box


Center of bounding box

Machining area based on “from back to center” view of the blank (bounding box).

Machining from the beginning of the blank to the center of the part.



Define the work area.

Outer areas

Viewed from the Z-direction, the part is machined up to the equator.

All areas

The whole part within the confines of the bounding box is machined.


Depth offset

Additional value for the machining depth. A larger value results in deeper machining.


Protected area within the abutment base

Enable/disable protection of the abutment base.


Use/transform fixture boundary


When machining a side of the blank,

use milling boundaries for holders.


When machining the front side  (from the perspective of the fixture).


Close caps

You must select “Yes” if the “Special function coping-specific alignment” option has been configured for the part.

You also need to select “Yes” for the following finishing cycles of the cavity.




Min. depth



The roughing depth depends on the course of the equator.

Mid of boundmesh

Setting the “Boundary angle” and “Startheight of opening angle” parameters causes a cone to be produced on both sides for the machining. The cutting point of both cones defines the “Mid of boundmesh” area.

Top of part

Machining up to the highest point of the part.

Mid of part

Machining up to the center of the part.

Bottom of part

Machining to the lowest point of the part.

Top of blank

Machining up to the upper edge of the blank.

Mid of blank

Machining up to the center of the blank.

Bottom of blank

Machining up to the lower edge of the blank.


Finish pass

The smoothen roughing depth that the roughing cycle has created to protect the following tools during subsequent machining: Yes/No



Planar mode

Tool movement for roughing.

Rapid in

The tool’s full cut is suppressed; suitable for grinding strategies.

Optimized in

Standard setting for roughing; unsuitable for grinding strategies.

Inside out

Roughing from the inside to the outside.



Caution!  Tool full cut is possible. Therefore, the [Optimized in] setting is not suited for grinding strategies.