Overview of Drilling Cycles

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Simple drilling

The drill hole is created in a single step, e.g., for center drilling, pre-drilling.


Drilling with chip break

The drill hole is created in several steps (drilling strokes).

Retracting the tool after each drilling stroke breaks the chip and makes it easier to remove.

Retraction with rapid traverse to the clearance distance after each drilling stroke.

Reduction of the step by the reduction value after each drilling stroke.


Drilling with pecking

The drill hole is created in several steps (drilling strokes). Retracting the tool after each drilling stroke to the clearance distance breaks the chip and removes fine chips (drilling dust) from the drill hole.

Retraction with rapid traverse to the clearance distance after each drilling stroke.


Drilling inside copings

Pre-drilling for grinding of the coping and machining with upward tool movement only; no full cut.


Machine corners of implant interfaces

Machine corners in the interface geometry.


Thread milling

Create an interface thread.


Screw channel machining