Edit Parameters

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The parameters of the selected job are displayed in the display screen on the right.



Multiple selection

You can select several jobs and edit the common parameters at the same time. Only parameters that exist in all jobs are shown.



Changing parameters

1) Select a job in the job list: The parameters are displayed in the display screen on the right. If you selected multiple jobs, only the common parameters are displayed.

2) Change the value: Click the right column next to the parameter and enter the value, select the path or select the entry via the selection menu. In the case of a multiple selection, the changes are applied to all selected jobs.

3) Confirm the change: Click OK. The change is not saved; it only applies to the selected part and job. The change is shown in the part data as “Template modified.”

4) Save changes: Click the [Save] icon.

5) If necessary, cancel the multiple selection, select one job, and set the parameters that are suitable for the relevant job.


clip0002 Overwritability and restrictions for variants and TE Lite


This parameter can be overridden in variants or in TE Lite. Right click on the icon to activate.


The input option can be restricted. Right click on the icon to activate.





Stepover must be bigger than 0.02 mm and must be smaller than 0.15 mm.

Click on and(statement1, statement2)



The area of the first statement is automatically selected, you can continue directly at this point with the first condition.

The first condition is "must be bigger than 0.02 mm", therefore click bigger<double>("0").

Again, the input automatically jumps to the place where the value is entered:



Enter 0.02 at this point.

Then insert the condition "must be smaller than 0.15 mm" instead of statement2.

Click on smaller<double>("0") and enter the value 0.15:



Finish by confirming with OK