ShowOperationTiltPartPanel_48 Tilt Part in Blank

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hyperDENT provides various options for optimizing the position of the part in the blank.
Depending on the situation, the functionalities can reduce material consumption, enable better accessibility of cavities, and provide highly divergent implant positions corresponding to the respective axis limit of a machine.


Select part and click the Tilt part in blank button.

workflow_tilt part in blank


Machine-specific information.

Machine dependent rotation axes

Selection box for the rotary axis (X, Y) of the machine:
Axis around which the workpiece (holder) can be pivoted.

Not restricted: It is possible to tilt along both axes. For 3+2 and 5X machines.

X-axis: You may only tilt along the X axis. For 3+1 and 4X machines.

Y-axis: You may only tilt along the Y axis. For 3+1 and 4X machines.

Max. Neigungswinkel

Maximum angle for tilting parts. Value is applied from Machining settings.   The text height can be adjusted using the slider, by direct entry in the number field, or using the step mode (up and down arrow keys).

Rotate part


3+1 rotation optimization

Optimally align the part’s insertion directions to the rotation axis.
Essential for machining cavities on 3+1machines.


Rotate 180 degrees around Z

Rotate the part by 180° to achieve better milling boundaries, for example.





Option of rotating the part is blocked.

Tilt part

hyperDENT provides options for optimizing the part position to reduce material consumption or make insertion directions accessible to the machine axes, for example.

Tilt axis restriction

Arbitrary axis

Rotation axis

Tilt in the direction of an arbitrary axis.

Tilt in the direction of the machine-dependent rotation axis.


Minimize part height

This function allows you to reduce the height of the part as much as possible based on the max. tilt angle.


To blank height

Part is tilted so far that it fits in the current blank. It is tilted no further than the set max. tilt angle. No tilting if the part is already completely in the blank.


Minimize inclination

This function is used to average the insertion directions independently of the resulting height.

Lock tilt axis

Tilt axis

Set a fixed inclination.

Position part

Move part in Z-direction

Define the vertical position of the part in the blank.



Move the part to the center of the blank.


Top edge

Move the part to the top edge of the blank. The offset value is taken into account.


Bottom edge

Move the part to the bottom edge of the blank. The offset value is taken into account.

Lock placement

XY Position

Z Position

Lock movement in XY plane.

Lock movement in Z axis.


Confirm entries and close window