Design changes in hyperDENT® Compact NEW V9.4.2 |
•Improvement: The OK button is deactivated when a UDA has to be accepted. Thus, only one green button is always displayed.
•Improvement: Free search field in the partinqueue. •Improvement: The buttons for "Feature Curves" are now activated for use and deactivated again afterwards to avoid multiple green buttons.
•Improvement: If several parts with different part types are selected, the symbols change accordingly.
•Improvement: The model is held in the workspace while checking the undercut UDA´s.
•Improvement: The function "Create sinter frame" has been optimized.
•Improvement: Better zoom behavior when loading a new project.
•Improvement: The preview images of the profiles: Tags, Sinterpins, Sinteringframes and Connectors are updated right away.
•Improvement: External-ID is now supported.
•Improvement: View toolbar enhanvement:
oShow / hide fixture is not shown in prepare.
oPart cavity/occlusal side view and Part transparency is available as extended commands in the view panel. This function works for a single part in prepare (object selection not needed) and for multiple parts (object selection needed).
•Improvement: New preview image for the screw channel connector.
•Improvement: The manuel connector setting "Fixed to part equator" works.