If a part-info-element is displayed in yellow or red, click the part-info-element.
Part-related messages are displayed in the function window below.
If you need to change part properties, switch to the Edit mode .
The assignment of another template can be done with the button Select template ![SelectTemplate_48](selecttemplate_48.png)
If you need to change support elements or nest the parts in the blank, select the button.
Use the button to insert further parts into the blank. This will take you back to the part list, where all filters are now automatically set according to the current blank. Only parts suitable for the current blank will be displayed.
You can check and edit part properties and support elements by selecting them directly. When selecting part properties or support elements, the corresponding information is displayed in the function window. You can check them with various functions and, in some cases, directly change them.
You can directly enter the Prepare mode if required.