Printing the Tiled Image

You can divide the image into small regions (tile) for printing. This function is useful when you want to print the job that does not fit into the media.
Follow the procedure below to divide the image into tiles and print them.

  1. Select and double click the job in the job list.
    The [Job Settings] window appears.
  2. Click .
    The settings for [Clip and Tile] appear in the settings area of the [Job Settings] window.
  3. In [Tiling], select one of the following tiling methods to set the number of tiles and tile sizes.
    [Manual Tiling]
    You can set the number of tiles and tile size manually when doing the operations below while it is selected. Select this method if you want to specify the size of each tile individually.
    1. On the preview image in the layout area, point to the top tiling line (blue line).
      The pointer becomes a .
      • If you point to the clip point (small square) on the tiling line, the pointer becomes a . To divide the image, point to any point other than clip points on the tiling line.
    2. Drag the tiling line downward and release it at the location to be divided.
      The image is divided in top and bottom tiles.

      If you want to divide the image in more pieces, repeat steps 1 and 2.
    3. Point to the left tiling line.
      The pointer becomes a .
    4. Drag the tiling line rightward and release it at the location to be divided.
      The image is divided in left and right pieces.
      If you want to divide the image further, repeat steps 3 and 4.
    5. Select the tile of which you want to set the size.
    6. Enter the values for [W] (width) and [H] (height) in [Location].

    • Dragging the tiling line when the pointer becomes a , will only move that tiling line.

    • Moving the pointer closer to the left side of a tiling line, the pointer becomes a .
      Dragging the tiling line in this state, will move all the tiling lines at the right side while keeping the tile size.

    [Tile Size]
    You can divide the image at specific size with the origin at the top left corner.
    The right-hand edge and lower end tiles may become smaller than the specified size.

    From the [Size] list box, select the tile size. If you want to specify the tile size by value, select [CustomCUT (or CustomROLL) ], and then enter the tile size (width and length).

    [Number of Tiles]
    Specify the number of tiles in [Number of Horizontal/Vertical Tiles]. Select this method if you want to divide the image into even sized tiles.

    [Place alternated]
    Set to on to rotate the tiles in even numbered columns 180 degrees.

  4. Click .
    You can check the location of the tiles in the layout area.
  5. Click [OK].
  6. Click .
    Rip'ing and printing are performed.


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