ShowMillStrategyLite_48 Template Editor Lite

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The Template Editor Lite allows you to manipulate selected parameters. The set of available parameters depends on the creator of the template.

Select a part and click the Template Editor Lite button.


Functions_template editor lite-9.1


Base template

Displays the currently selected template. Click on alternative template to use it.


Job list

Displays all jobs available for editing.


Job parameter editor

Edit job parameters.


Info window

View information on the selected job.


Confirm the manipulated parameters and close the window.


Editable parameters:

Incremental boundary offset/angle

Width of milling boundary around the part

The set value is added to that defined in the template.


Switch calculation for this job on or off.

Yes --> Calculation is made

No --> No calculation


Step width for infeed along surface in mm


Rest material (in mm) that should be left over on the surface after this stage for further machining.

Avoid collision

Yes --> Calculation is not interrupted in case of collision. The cycle tries to find alternative toolpaths.

Caution:  The toolpath may be shortened and does not correspond to the correct toolpath.

No --> For shorter calculation times, set this switch to “No.” In the event of a collision, the cycle will abort.