![Project print settings_UI](hmfile_hash_78cddaec.png)
The selection window shows the selection for the data to be printed, the print preview, and the editing icons: Print, page setup, zoom, page display, page number, page navigation.
Default font size
Predefined font size.
Print part selection
Define printing scope.
Select all parts in blank
Print blank and part data.
Select all parts in blank with toolpaths
Print blank with part data and calculated toolpaths.
Select all parts in project with toolpaths
Print project with parts and calculated toolpaths.
View for the print preview
View direction of the blank for printing:
Occlusal frame
Display of the occlusal side.
Cavity frame
Display of the cavity side.
View direction used for picture in laser sintering projects
occlusal side
Display of the occlusal side.
Cavity frame
Display of the cavity side.
Picture mode
1:1 scale on the printout
No image
Real image / Screenshot
Display project information
Enable/disable printout of project information.
Display machine
Select project information to be printed:
Display fixture
Select project information to be printed.
Display blank
Select project information to be printed: Scaling factor, blank type, blank material, blank geometry, blank color.
Display part information
Enable/disable printout of part information.
Display part identification
Label information is displayed.
Display part type
Select project information to be printed.
Display part file name
Select project information to be printed.
Display part path
Select project information to be printed.
Display part template
Select project information to be printed.
Display part toolpaths exist
Select project information to be printed.
Display part user information
Select project information to be printed.
Show hidden part user information
Select project information to be printed.
Display used tools for part
Select project information to be printed.
Display estimated milling time of used tools for part
Values are only available after calculation.
Display overall used tools
Enable/disable printout of tool information.
Display estimated milling time for overall used tools
Values are only available after calculation.
Display overall estimated milling time
Values are only available after calculation.
Use margin between part groups
Insert blank line on/off.
About: If parts have been completely calculated, the export or printing of the document of the last calculation can be triggered in the context menu of the part.