Set Machine Parameters

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Settings that affect the machine can be made on the Settings > Machining... > Machine screen.


machine settings


Here you can define machine-specific settings for the postprocessing of toolpaths.


Not all parameters can be used for all machines!


The PP output directory is used to set the directory to which the NC program is written. Depending on the conditions, the PP output directory can also be directly on the machine control.


Alternatively, apply the values globally from the general settings (Settings > General > Postprocessing).

Axis limitations:

By defining the axis limits, the options for tilting the machine axes are checked before the calculation in the consistency check for the parts to be machined. If processing is not possible, the calculation will not start and a corresponding error message is displayed.


To set the values, the axis limits of the machine must be known.

By default, the primary axis has only one milling area.

The secondary axis can generally rotate 360 degrees, but this is limited by the fixture, usually to two machining areas.

Milling time:

With these settings, the milling time calculated by hyperDENT can be adapted to the respective machine for processing.