Work directory
Path name for all of the calculation data. The file “blank.hv” contains all relevant data. If hyperVIEW does not start automatically after the calculation, then the file “blank.hv” must be imported into hyperVIEW to start the postprocessor cycle: Drag the file to the program window of hyperVIEW using drag & drop. For information on additional editing, see the “Create NC file, simulation” section.
Max. number of parallel calculations
The calculation time can be reduced considerably with parallel calculations, depending on the hardware. The number of parallel calculations should be slightly higher than the number of available processor computation cores.
Force calculation for one part only
•No |
The calculation can only be performed for a single selected part. Calculation is not possible if multiple parts are selected.
The calculation is also possible for multiple selection and is performed for all selected parts.
Tool change optimization
Process all calculated parts together to achieve a faster and more economical milling process with optimized tool change behavior. This means that all milling paths are first executed with tool “A” for all parts, followed by tool “B” etc.
Preserve temporary data
To avoid unnecessary data accumulation, only set this function to Yes if this data was requested by FOLLOW-ME! support.
View cycle parameters
Check toolpath points against boundary
•Yes •No |
The feedrate toolpaths must be within the boundary. Rapid traverse movements are not checked.
No test, the toolpaths can exceed the milling boundary. If the parts are placed very close to one another, adjacent parts may be damaged.
Stop all calculations on error
•Yes •No |
Stop the calculation and do not transfer any data to the machine.
Stop the calculation for the part where the error occurred; continue calculating the other parts and release for milling.
Delete calculation data automatically
•No •Yes |
Retain data once the calculation has finished. Generates high data volumes.
Delete data once the calculation has finished.
Delete after X hours
If automatic deletion is set to Yes
The directory is deleted after the specified number of hours.
Also delete NC folder
The content of the NC output directory is deleted.
Considered parts
•Dependent on part selection Only parts that have been previously selected are calculated
•All available parts, which are not calculated yet. No selection of parts necessary, all parts placed in the blank and not yet calculated are calculated.
Part limit
If activated, an upper limit of the parts to be nested and calculated simultaneously in the blank can be defined.
Maximum number of parts
Upper limit of simultaneously nested and calculated parts in the blank.