Full Denture

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Special jobs have been developed for the processing of full dentures. These refer to the tooth pocket and alveolar ridge (jaw ridge and tooth center line) margin line types.


Tooth center line + pockets

Tooth center line + pockets

Jaw line

Jaw line



These machining modes only work with a valid Full Denture license.



Rest machining inside tooth pockets

Rest machining of tooth pockets, analogous to the rest machining of copings.

This job refers exclusively to the “Tooth pocket” margin line type.

Available strategies:

3D arbitrary stock roughing

3D automatic restmachining

5X automatic restmachining



Rest machining inside a tooth pocket – 5X automatic rest machining


Finishing inside tooth pockets

Finishing inside the tooth pocket, analogous to finishing in copings.

This job refers exclusively to the “Tooth pocket” margin line type.

Available strategies:

3D equidistant finishing

3D complete finishing

5X boss finishing



Finishing inside the tooth pocket – 3D equidistant finishing


Finishing inner areas full denture

Interior area, occlusal side

Interior area, occlusal side


Interior area, cavity side

Interior area, cavity side

Available strategies:

3D equidistant finishing

3D profile finishing X-direction

3D profile finishing XY-direction



For selecting the machining direction. Occlusal or cavity side.

Alveolar ridge offset

The offset refers to the jaw line on the cavity side and to the center line on the occlusal side.

It shifts machining to the outside (+) or inside (-).


Finishing outer undercut areas


Available strategies:

Segmented profile finishing

Segmented profile finishing XY-optimized

Equidistant finishing in sections (Only useful in conjunction with the “Add rework step” function! Increased calculation time!)


Alveolar ridge offset

Should remain at “0” for the exterior. Refers to the tooth center line.

Desired tilt angle

Angle of the tool tilt for 3+2 axis machining.

Angle difference segments

Analogous to machining in long cavities. Specifies the size of the  individual segments.

Finishing inner undercut areas


Available strategies:

Segmented profile finishing

Segmented profile finishing XY-optimized

Segmented equidistant finishing


Alveolar ridge offset

The offset refers to the jaw line and shifts machining to the outside (+) or inside (-).

Desired tilt angle

Angle of the tool tilt for 3+2 axis machining.

Angle difference segments

Analogous to machining in long cavities. Specifies the size of the  individual segments.