Milling Strategies

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The milling strategies represent the working plan (template) for machining on the milling unit and are available for different materials and part types.

Different templates can be selected for the different parts, depending on the settings made in the previous process steps.


The selection window shows the list from which you can select the milling strategy (template) for machining.

The Template Generator Module option allows you to create and edit templates: --> “Edit template.”


mill strategy profile 001


The Template Generator Module option provides you with additional functions and templates so that you can freely configure different settings and adapt them to specific tasks:

Freely configurable tools.

Freely configurable tool holders.

Templates with freely configurable milling strategies (material, tool) for adaptation to the requirements of a given part type.

Supplied templates with standard parameterization for zirconium oxide, cobalt chrome, PMMA, and titanium.

Supplied test cycle for setting up the postprocessor and milling unit.

The milling strategy can only be changed in the Template Generator Module option.