General Operating Instructions

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Mouse operation


For some functions, navigation can be adjusted in the general settings.



Press left mouse button


Left-click twice in rapid succession


Press right mouse button


Drag and drop – select, drag, and drop.

Highlight with the left mouse button, hold button down and move to new position with the cursor, release button.

Select part

Clicking the part: The part is shown with a yellow border; the following actions can be performed for the selected part.

Move part

Double-click the part with the left mouse button: The part is shown with an orange border and can now be rotated or moved using the mouse.

Rotate view

(Dynamic rotation) Press the right mouse button and move the mouse.

Move/Pan view

(Pan) Press the Ctrl key and right mouse button or both mouse buttons and move the mouse.


Move the mouse wheel forward or backward.


Space Mouse


hyperDENT® Compact NEW can alternatively be controlled with a space mouse.


Touch screen support


hyperDENT® Compact NEW can alternatively be controlled with a touch screen.

Enable touch screen


Selecting items



Highlight selection: Left-click the part, text, display, entry.

Multiple selection

Press Ctrl key and highlight selection:

Hold Ctrl key down and click the parts, texts, entries with the left mouse button.

Multiple selection of parts in the editing window

Press left mouse button and drag the displayed selection frame over the parts to be highlighted.

Multiple selection in the parts list

Press Ctrl key and highlight selection:

Hold Ctrl key down and click the parts with the left mouse button.

Selection menu

Menu bar, dropdown menu:

Open menu: Click the menu bar.

Select a menu item: Click the menu item.

Context menu

Open menu: Right-click the workspace or part display.

Select a menu item: Click the menu item.

Selection list

Dropdown list, list box:

Open menu: Click the arrow icon.

Select an entry: Click the list entry.

Selection box

Mark selection, remove marker: Click the selection. The selection is marked with a check mark, or the check mark is removed.

Option field

Highlight selection: Click the selection.

Remove selection: Click a different selection.

The selection is marked with a dot.


Tab: Click the tab.

Changing values


Many values can be adjusted/manipulated. There are various options available for this. Maximum values depend on the context.


By moving the slider.


By clicking the arrow keys.


By entering the absolute value in the field.


Customizing lists


You can adapt the way lists are displayed to your own needs.


List settings_filter-9.1


Switch to list mode


Selection mode Grouping (by material and color, by material and filter off)




Display options


Sort column

Left-click the tab (3).

Move column

Click the column heading (3), hold the mouse button down, and drag the column (3) to the new position.

Show/Hide column

Right-click the tab (3) and enable/disable the column in the display options (4).

Adjust column width

Click the boundary line between the column headings (3), hold the mouse button down, and set the column width.



hyperDENT file formats



Project file with relative paths to the STL file of the part


Project file with saved STL file, can be opened on any computer.


Parts stored in hyperDENT with relative path to the part’s STL file.


Parts saved in hyperDENT with a saved STL file, can be opened on any computer.


Components, generated in Component Admin.