Are the blade and blade holder securely mounted?

Make sure the screws are tightened securely so that they do not come loose during cutting.


Is the tip of the blade broken?

If it is, then replace the blade with a new one.


Is there any buildup of dust or material adhesive on the tip of the blade?

If dirty, remove and clean the blade.


Is there any buildup of pieces of material or dust inside the blade holder?

Take off the tip of the blade holder and remove any pieces of material or dust inside.

Is a thick material being used?

When using thick material, set HEAVY of Cutting Quality.

Is the blade force appropriate?

Carry out a cutting test and adjust the blade force until cutting can be performed adequately.

Is the amount of blade offset correct?

If the setting for the amount of blade offset is not correct for the blade, corners may be rounded or have horns.

Are the blade force and cutting speed appropriate for the material being cut?

Carry out a cutting test and adjust the settings until cutting can be performed adequately.

When using roll material, was the amount of material to be cut pulled out before performing cutting?

If cutting is performed without pulling out the material, the material may slip or operation may stop due to a motor error.


Is the smoothing function turned OFF?


Is the blade protector damaged or deformed?

If the blade protector is damaged, the material may not be cut correctly even if the machine's settings and the installation of the blade and blade holder are all correct. In this happens, contact your authorized Roland DG Corp. dealer .