Editing Objects

TITLE Choosing

Click Select button, and then click the target object (shape, text, or image).
Shape handles appear around the selected object.

To select multiple objects, hold down the [Shift] key as you click the objects.
Alternatively, drag the mouse pointer to enclose the objects.

To release all selected objects, click any location other than a selected object.
To release only a specific selected object, hold down the [Shift] key and click the object.

TITLE Repositioning

Choose the object you want, and then drag it to the destination.

To restrict the movement to the true vertical or horizontal direction, hold down the [Shift] key as you drag the object.
Direction-limited movement

TITLE Changing an object's shape

Single- or double-click the object.
Shape handles appear around the selected object.
Drag the shape handles to change the form.
The image cannot be rotated or slanted.
You cannot resize grouped objects if they contain images.
Changing an object's shape using shape handles

By holding down the [Shift] key as you drag a shape handle, you can limit how the object's shape changes as shown below.
Restricted shape-changing

TITLE Reshaping polylines (curve and noncurve polylines)

Click Edit Anchor Point button, and then click the target polyline.
The polyline's anchor points and handles appear.
Drag these to modify the shape.

To set the orientations of the left and right handles independently, go to [Object], click [Anchor Point], and then click [Free Handles].

To delete the handle on one side, select the handle to delete, go to [Object], click [Anchor Point], and then click [Delete Handle].

Selecting an anchor point and running [Delete Handle] deletes all the handles.

To add handles to an anchor point that has no handles, go to [Object], click [Anchor Point], and then click [Make Curve Polyline].

TITLE Entering text

Click Select button, and then click the location where you want to start entering text.
Type in the text from the keyboard.
Entering text

You can enter multiple lines by pressing the [Enter] key to insert a carriage return.
Multiple-line entry

You can enter text that lies along a shape by clicking a line of the shape.
Text entry along a curve polyline